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Prime Debate LIVE : ഷിരൂരിലെ മണ്ണിടിച്ചിൽ ദുരന്തത്തിൽ കാണാതായ അർജുൻ്റെ ലോറി കണ്ടെത്തിയെന്ന് സൂചന. AKM Ashraf MLAയാണ് ഈ വിവരം അറിയിച്ചത്.

There are indications that the truck of Arjun, who went missing in the Shirur landslide disaster, has been found. This information was shared by AKM Ashraf MLA.

#arjunrescueoperation #ankolalandslide #karnatakalandslide #news18kerala #malayalamnews #news18malayalam #മലയാളംവാർത്ത

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Official video for ”Enjoy The Silence (Live on Letterman)” by Depeche Mode
Listen to Depeche Mode: https://DepecheMode.lnk.to/listenYD
Watch more videos by Depeche Mode: https://DepecheMode.lnk.to/listenYD/youtube

Subscribe to the official Depeche Mode YouTube channel: https://DepecheMode.lnk.to/youtubeYD

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Ask your voice device to play Depeche Mode!

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

#DepecheMode #EnjoyTheSilence #OfficialVideo

The Depeche Mode channel is the band’s official YouTube home, featuring the catalogue of the iconic band’s official music videos, live performances, lyric videos and Depeche Mode-approved playlists. Subscribe to join the Depeche Mode YouTube community and check back for announcements, updates, and more!

Depeche Mode has released over 50 music videos and multiple critically-acclaimed concert films, working with award-winning directors including Anton Corbijn and D.A. Pennebaker. One of the most respected, innovative, and best-selling musical acts today, Depeche Mode have sold over 100 million records and played live to more than 30 million fans around the world. The band continue to win critical and commercial acclaim both in the studio and on the road, with innumerable musicians citing them as inspirations.

1 Visualizações · 8 meses atrás

🔴Live देवी प्रतिभा बाट कथा वाचन लाइभ - Shiva Puran - Pashupatinath - Mahayagya Koti Hom

© by Budha Subba Digital Pvt.Ltd.
#BSD #pashupatinathlive #radikadashi #devipratibhajibhajan
*Budha Subba Digital Pvt. Ltd is a solo authorized company to upload this video. Uses of this video on other channels is strictly prohibited, if found proper action will be taken. (Embedding to the websites is allowed)

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” 米津玄師 2022 TOUR / 変身 ” ツアーファイナルで常田大希と共演

米津玄師「KICK BACK」New Single 2022.11.23 Release

▶︎Listen here  https://smej.lnk.to/KICKBACK/
▶︎Package   https://lnk.to/KICKBACK_CD

Next Tour「米津玄師 2023 TOUR / 空想」
2023年4-7月 全国11都市24公演にて開催



Music & Lyrics  Kenshi Yonezu
Arranged by   Kenshi Yonezu , Daiki Tsuneta (King Gnu / millennium parade)

Contains a sample of "SOUDA! We're ALIVE" Lyrics & Music by TSUNKU ©2002 by UP FRONT MUSIC INC. / TV TOKYO Music, Inc.

#米津玄師 #常田大希 #チェンソーマン
#KenshiYonezu #DaikiTsuneta #chainsawman


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HP     http://reissuerecords.net
Merch    https://shop.kenshiyonezu.jp

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Music video by Live performing Dolphin's Cry. (C) 1999 Radioactive Records J.V.

#Live #DolphinsCry #Remastered #Vevo #Rock #OfficialMusicVideo

0 Visualizações · 8 meses atrás

Adele performs "I Drink Wine" Live at The BRITS 2022.
Shop the "Adele" collection here: http://shop.adele.com

Listen to "30" here:

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How can one become so bounded by choices that somebody else makes?
How come we’ve both become a version of a person we don’t even like?
We’re in love with the world but the world just wants to bring us down
By putting ideas in our heads that corrupt our hearts somehow
When I was a child every single thing could blow my mind
Soaking it all up for fun but now I only soak up wine
They say to play hard you work hard find balance in the sacrifice
Yet I don’t know anybody who’s truly satisfied

You better believe I’m trying to keep climbing
But the higher we climb feels like we’re both none the wiser

So I hope I learn to get over myself
Stop trying to be somebody else
So we can love each other for free
Everybody wants something, you just want me

Why am I obsessing about the things I can’t control?
Why am I seeking approval from people I don’t even know?
In these crazy times I hope to find something I can cling on to
Cause I need some substance in my life
Something real, something that feels true

You better believe for you I’ve cried high tides
Cause I want you so bad but you can’t fight fire with fire

Listen I know how low I can go
I give as good as I get
You get the brunt of it all cause you’re all I’ve got left
Oh I hope in time we both will find peace of mind
Sometimes the road less travelled is a road best left behind

#Adele #IDrinkWine #BRITS


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North Gujarat Rainfall LIVE | Torrential rains started in North Gujarat | Gujarat Monsoon 2024

ઉત્તર ગુજરાતમાં ધોધમાર વરસાદ શરૂ

#NorthGujarat #Rains #monsoon #LIVE

News18 Gujarati brings you the latest and LIVE news from Gujarat with a complete package of important news and current happenings of India and world news in Gujarati. People are generally more concerned about what is happening in their backyard rather than proceedings of the whole world and with that thought in mind, this channel works endlessly to bring all possible and important news from the country and around the globe to its viewers in Gujarati.

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Former President Donald Trump says he was shot in the ear after a gunman opened fire towards the stage at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday -- a harrowing incident that left one spectator dead and two others critically injured and sparked chaos at the event.



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🎵 Listen to ‘Barcelona’ here: https://alanwalker.lnk.to/Barcelona


△ Merch @ https://store.alanwalker.no

Thanks for listening. Check out the official music video here: https://youtu.be/JarfcfEe2No

- Alan


Experience the playlist for Walkerverse Pt. 1 here: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLYT4vq6pQVSsPGI

To mark the 2-year anniversary of Faded, I'm happy to share this live performance from my homecoming show in Bergen last year! Hope you guys enjoy.

- Alan

Tove Styrke

Alan Walker
Tove Styrke

Jonas Barsten
Veronika Heilund

Producer / Director:
Lars Erik Steffensen

Executive producers:
Gunnar Greve
Yonas Aregai

Gaute Nistov

Facebook: http://bit.ly/AlanWalker_Facebook
Instagram: http://bit.ly/AlanWalker_Instagram
Twitter: http://bit.ly/AlanWalker_Twitter
Tiktok: alanwalkermusic
Snapchat: alanwalkermusic

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/d....jwalkzz?sub_confirma
Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell button to get notifications :)


Have you entered the Sweet Dreams remix contest yet? Info here: https://sweetdreams.alanwalker.com/


/// Walker Gaming ///
Website: https://walkergaming.com​
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/w47k3rg4m1ng​
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/w47k3rg4m1ng​
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/w47k3rg4m1ng​
Twitter: https://twitter.com/w47k3rg4m1ng​
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMebouDue


#AlanWalker #Faded #Live

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Queen performing at Live Aid in front of 72,000 people in Wembley Stadium, London on the 13th July, 1985. The event was organised by Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for the Ethiopian famine disaster. Broadcast across the world via one of the largest satellite link-ups of all time, the concerts were seen by around 40% of the global population.
Remember to subscribe to stay up to date with all new releases in the channel.

1 Visualizações · 8 meses atrás

Babak Grup untuk MWI 2024 x EWC telah dimulai!

12 tim, hanya 8 tim wanita terbaik yang akan melaju ke Babak Playoffs 👸👊

Saksikan perjalanan mereka mulai sekarang.

🔗 Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi sosial media kami:
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#TimeToShine #MLBBEsports #MLBB #MWI2024 #EWC #EWC2024

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Jamuna Television Limited is a privately owned news and current affairs television channel in Bangladesh, Jamuna Television is also known as Jamuna TV. Founded in 2014, it is owned by the Jamuna Group. Jamuna Television strives to evolve into a truly national television network, a network for the nation, a full national and international television network for the people of Bangladesh, not just those in urban areas and the suburbs, but for all people, in every part of the nation.

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About Jamuna Television
Jamuna Television Limited is a privately owned news and current affairs television channel in Bangladesh, Jamuna Television is also known as Jamuna TV. Founded in 2014, it is owned by the Jamuna Group. Jamuna Television strives to evolve into a truly national television network, a network for the nation, a full national and international television network for the people of Bangladesh, not just those in urban areas and the suburbs, but for all people, in every part of the nation.
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#凱米 #最新颱風動態 #最新颱風路徑 #颱風假 #停班課 #颱風警報 #凱米颱風動向 #即時災情 #颱風新聞 #颱風直播 #颱風路徑 #氣象署 #陸警 #海警 #強風豪雨 #豪雨 #大豪雨 #暴風圈

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・関東などでも大気不安定 夜遅くにかけ注意呼びかけ、あすも東日本では天気急変のおそれ【予報士解説】
・“漂流”の高速ジェット船 22時間ぶり乗客が陸地に 目的地の式根島・新島へ 東京に戻る人も
・中国と北朝鮮に溝?金総書記、習国家主席の会談を記念する“足形”なくなる 背景にロシアとの蜜月関係か
・兵庫・斎藤知事の疑惑 告発文に記載の“療養中の元課長の男性”の死亡判明 告発後2人目
・東京都、新型コロナ患者数11週連続の増加 手足口病も6週連続で警報基準を超える
・ウクライナ軍ドローン部隊に密着 時には人間に爆弾突っ込むことも「何のためらいも感じない」

#ニュース #news #live #tbs #japan #newsdig #livenews #ニュースライブ





0 Visualizações · 8 meses atrás

Here's the live situation at the Marikina River around 1:40 pm on Wednesday, July 24. Officials say the waters reached 19.2 meters past 12 pm, as the enhanced southwest monsoon continue to bring heavy rain. #HabagatPH

For live updates: https://www.rappler.com/philip....pines/weather/typhoo

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●交通・ライフライン情報「提供元:株式会社レスキューナウ 」








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